Dr. Joachimides, Alexis

Professorship for Art History of the Modern Period

Studies in art history and classical archaeology in Berlin and London

1994-1996 Research associate at the Free University Berlin

1996 Doctorate on "Die Museumsreformbewegung in Deutschland und die Entstehung des modernen Museums 1880-1940" (Dresden/Basel 2001)

2000-2006 Assistant at the Institute for Art History at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich

2006 Habilitation with the thesis "Verwandlungskünstler. Der Beginn künstlerischer Selbststilisierung in den Metropolen Paris und London im 18. Jahrhundert" (Munich/Berlin 2008)

2007-2009 Academic Senior Councilor at the Institute for Art History at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich

Since 2011 Professor for Recent Art History at the Kunsthochschule of the University of Kassel

Since 2020 executive director of the "Transdisciplinary Research Center for Exhibitions Studies (TRACES) at the University of Kassel. For further information please refer to: Link

Publications list Prof. Dr. Alexis Joachimides (updated: 2024)

Online Publications:

„Italian Sources for the Display of Documenta 1955 in Kassel and an unrealised Reform of the Art Museum“, in Orietta Lanzarini/Emanuela Ferretti (Hrsg.): Verso una nouva idea di museo. Architettura, arte, theoria e storia 1934–1964 (= Opus incertum Bd. 9, 2023), Florenz 2023, S. 52-61, also online edition, Firenze University Press 2023.

„Das ‚effiziente Museum‘ im Widerstand gegen die ‚Diktatur der Wand‘. Der Diskurs einer neuen Museumsreform in Westeuropa nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg“, In: Kunstgeschichte. Open Peer Reviewed Journal, 12. Mai 2020.

„The ‚efficient museum‘ in resistance to the ‚dictatorship of the wall‘. The discourse of a new museum reform in Western Europe after the Second World War“, In: Kunstgeschichte. Open Peer Reviewed Journal, 12 May 2020.

„Edinburgh’s First New Town in a Transnational Perspective. Continental Sources for Eighteenth-Century Town Planning in Britain“, in: Maria Effinger, Stephan Hoppe, Harald Klinke und Bernd Krysmanski (eds.): Von analogen und digitalen Zugängen zur Kunst – Festschrift für Hubertus Kohle zum 60. Geburtstag, arthistoricum net, Heidelberg 2019, o. Pag.

Museumsgeschichte in Kassel: Project seminar, summer semester, 2012 and winter semester 2012/13 for creating a website (published in July 2013).