Zindel, Katharina

Research Associate | Theory and Practice of Design

Since October 2019 Katharina Zindel has been a research associate in the area of Theory and Practice of Design in the Department of Product Design at the Kunsthochschule Kassel. Her proposed dissertation is entitled “Narrative Praktiken der Produktkommunikation in den Sozialen Medien am Beispiel des übergeordneten Narrativs ‘Authentizität’”.

From March 2018 to August 2019 she was a research associate in Recent German Literary Studies at the Institute for German Studies at the  University of Kassel. During this time she was also the managing director of the Georg Forster Society and directed editing and copyediting of Georg Forster Studies.

From 2013 to 2018 she was a student assistant, then later research assistant in the Recent German Literary Studies Department at the University of Kassel, working on such publications as ‘Popkultur und Fernsehen’ (2015) or ‘Text&Kritik - Sven Regener’ (10/2019).

In 2016 Katharina Zindel graduated in secondary school teaching in the fields of art and German, as well as in Kassel. Her studies focused on interdisciplinarity in product design and in literary studies. Her graduate thesis bore the title “Vom Konsumenten zum Prosumenten – von DIY-Ästhetik bis Open-Design in der Gegenwart”.


Neue Literatur zu Georg Forster, in: Georg Forsters ‚Ansichten vom Niederrhein‘. Georg-Forster-Studien XXII, ed. Stefan Greif and Michael Ewert. Kassel: University Press 2018. pp. 131-133.

Bibliografie, in: Sven Regener, ed Stefan Greif, Nils Lehnert, and Anna-Carina Meywirth. Munich: edition Text + Kritik, 10/2019 (= TEXT+KRITIK. Zeitschrift für Literatur 224).

Anna-Carina Meywirth and Katharina Zindel: “Was wollen wir? – Nichts. Reden.” Sven Regener als Ko-Autor von “Angelus Durus – Traum eines lächerlichen Menschen: Ein Katastrophenfilm “ und “Ärger mit der Unsterblichkeit”, in: T+K - Sven Regener 2019.


Das Narrativ ‘Authentizität’ in (trans-)medialen Produkterzählungen. Lecture as part of the Humanities and Cultural Studies Postgraduate Colloquium at the University of Kassel on April 24, 2019.

'Life Gaming Roleplay' auf der Streaming-Plattform Twitch am Beispiel von GTA5

Lecture in the series “Verspielte Realität. Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zu Videospielen” at the University of Universität Kassel on June 26, 2019.