Philosophy as a Way of Life

19.06.2018 19:00 UHR

Philosophy as a Way of Life

On Camera: The Somaesthetics of Richard Shusterman.

Film, Vortrag und Diskussion mit dem amerikanischen Philosophen und Performance-Künstler Richard Shusterman.

Exhorting philosophy as a way of life, Socrates eschewed the practice of philosophical writing as a corrupting distraction. But writing soon became philosophy’s privileged medium. To what extent and in what ways can philosophy take advantage of new media technology — not simply through the digital production of articles, books, and blogs but also through visual media?

Experimentation in visual media seems especially appropriate for the philosophical field of aesthetics. Philosopher Richard Shusterman, internationally known for his work in pragmatist aesthetics and somaesthetics, will present examples from his recent work in the medium of video as part of his continued efforts to revive the idea of the philosophical life while expanding philosophy’s reach and public, here by collaborating closely with contemporary visual artists.

Shusterman wird sein Werk in englischer Sprache vorstellen. Die Diskussion kann auch auf Deutsch geführt werden.

Termin & Ort
19. Juni 2018, 19 Uhr
Hörsaal der Kunsthochschule Kassel

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