© Sarah Veith, Amelie Befeldt, Jenia Bayat Mokhtari und Samuli Salonen: Schlafende Hunde (Videostill)

18.11.2023 11:00 UHR

Graduate school for moving image in university portrait

The Graduate School for Moving Image: Analog Realities, Digital Materialities (GBB) at the Kunsthochschule Kassel in the university portrait of the Kassel Dokfest.

Imparting expert knowledge, critically discussing new developments, making contacts and networking - all this is DokfestEducation at the Kassel Dokfest. For more than 30 years, an international university or study program has also been presented each year, starting with the program "Videos from Kassel", which showed works from the video class Visual Communication Department at the HbK (now Kunsthochschule Kassel).

On the occasion of 40 years of Dokfest, the university portrait returns to the city: on Nov. 18 at 11 a.m. in the BALi Kino, the Graduate School of Moving Image (GBB) at the Kunsthochschule Kassel will be presented by three guests as well as current film works. The GBB, a pilot project for a postgraduate study structure established in 2020, has already been awarded the honorary prize at the 39th Kassel Dokfest for particularly innovative achievements; this year's film program provides insight into the diverse ways of working that come together in the graduate school - from artistic documentaries to animation and experimental forms.

The program will be presented by Anna Ilin, Prof. Jan Peters and Mr. von Rehtanz. Afterwards, the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions about the films shown and the Graduate School of Moving Image.

With films by Laura Därr, Katrin Esser, Geeske Janßen, Anna Ilin, Sarah Veith and Mr. von Rehtanz.

November 18, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

BALi Kino Rainer-Dierichs-Platz 1 34117 Kassel

Information on accreditation and tickets via the Kassel Dokfest website:

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