08.11.2023 – 12.11.2023

Sterile Romantik I

Over the course of two semesters, the cooperation project between the Klinik für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie Klinikum Kassel and the Kunsthochschule Kassel has resulted in an exhibition of 14 artistic works that deal with questions about the hospital, the people there, and their actions and interactions.

The works are shown in the specific context of their origin - i.e. in the hospital - in order to be able to understand them better and at the same time to enable patients, visitors and staff to visit them on site.

On display will be: Photographs, sculptures, 3D environments, AI-generated videos, tiles, fabrics & textiles, concept presentations, drawings, etc.

Exhibiting artists are:
Annagenia Jacob, Tuki Gruner, Noah Elija Krupka, Saskia Kaffenberger, Jonas Eschner, Katharina Jäger, Andric Späth, Leonie Witka, Robin Röcker, Vreneli Harborth, Fernando Leyra, Alix Kokula, Ruzmir Satic, Lea-Maraike Sambale, Domenik Töfflinger

Sterile Romantik I
08. until November 12 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
at the entrance hall of the Klinikum Kassel (House E Level 5 & 6)

Due to the venue and its special conditions, we kindly ask you to register with the number of persons at jbaumann[at]uni-kassel.de for better planning.

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