„Wohl behütet, tief verwurzelt – die Pilze kommen“

An hr-Podcast contribution with Prof. Dr. Susanne Ritzmann (Kunsthochschule Kassel), among others.

Mushrooms are curious: they are neither animal nor plant, they can cause and cure diseases, we need them to make bread, cheese and beer - and they also taste quite wonderful. This year, the mushroom season has started early - and collectors report large quantities. Hessischer Rundfunk talks about this with mycologist Hermine Lotz, product designer Susanne Ritzmann, infection researcher Marc Stadler and mushroom expert Bernhard Frank, among others.

To the Podcast of 30.08.23:
„Wohl behütet, tief verwurzelt – die Pilze kommen“

Source: © Hessischer Rundfunk