07.05.2024 18:00 UHR

Visual. Autoethnography. Now!

The lecture is about a research contribution to art education that is critical of discrimination. Autoethnography as a research approach thematizes "personal experience[s]" (auto) of the researchers as a "resource for knowledge processes", which are "described and systematically analyzed (grafie) in order to understand socio-cultural experiences (ethno)" (Adams et al. 2010:1). In addition to written protocols, interviews, specialist texts, etc., existing visual products (e.g. works of art) and/or specially created images that can take on various functions in the research process are also of interest for autoethnographic art education research.

Along the lines of my current doctoral project, I would like to give an exemplary insight into visual-auto-ethnographic and discrimination-critical research in the field of art education and discuss the associated challenges and opportunities of autoethnography as a research method.

Stefan Bast teaches and conducts research as a research assistant* in the field of art didactics at the Mainz University of Art and Design on art education that is critical of discrimination. He is a fellow of the Research Training Group "Educational Processes in Discrimination-Critical University Teaching", part of the Cultural Education and Diversity Cluster of the Cultural Education Research Network and, together with others, has published the dossier "Classism and Cultural Education". The most recent publications are "Exclusion procedures: Klasse als Ungleichheitskategorie in Kunstpädagogik und Kultureller Bildung" (2023) and "Klasse Kunstunterricht! Discrimination-critical perspectives on the inequality category of class in art education" (2024).

07.05.2024, 6 p.m.

Room 3220 (Südbau)

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