The guest curators Tomke Braun und José B. Segebre, photo: Vincenzo Olindo

22.04.2024 18:00 UHR

Presentation of the project An Empty Space - The Artist as Curator

Curators Tomke Braun and José B. Segebre present their project seminar An Empty Space - The Artist as Curator, which is open to students of all degree programs.

The course deals with the figure of the artist-as-curator and thus understands the exhibition as a medium. The question is what kind of understanding of the exhibition at the interface of curatorial, artistic and creative work can be gained through this focus. The artist as curator serves us as a template for the extent to which exhibitions exist on the border to other disciplines and media and the extent to which they make use of artistic and creative means. Questions about the transdisciplinarity and transmediality of exhibitions with regard to design and staging strategies as well as forms of collaboration are important. How does the figure of the artist-as-curator differ not only from curators but also from critics, iconoclasts or collectors? We will deal with the debates surrounding the artist-as-curator historically and theoretically as well as putting them into practice and developing an exhibition format together in the Kunsthochschule's exhibition hall.

Presentation of the project seminar
"An Empty Space - The Artist as Curator"

22.04.2024, 6 pm
Hörsaal, Kunsthochschule Kassel

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