Compromises in the design work

Students Patrick Barzagar-Nazari and Henning Roye and graduate Imina Geilmann created the visual identity for EXAMEN 2023 (13 to 17 December) at the Kunsthochschule Kassel. In addition to the poster, invitation flyer and façade banner, a catalog is also being produced for the exhibition.

The design team explains the concept and design of the visual identity: "The challenge for us was to find compromises. However, the term compromise should not have a negative connotation, as it was groundbreaking and enriching for our work. After initial efforts to find a common line, the assimilation of our design practices helped us to find a concept. Through collages, renderings and a recurring grid, we created a design that does not aim to suggest homogeneity, but rather reflects our personal design positions." The basic idea of the design concept is based on the fact that 69 people will be exhibiting in the exam exhibition, who, although showing a unity, at the same time represent different individual, artistic and creative positions.

From December 13 to 17, 2023, the graduates and master students of the Kunsthochschule Kassel will be showing their final exhibition EXAMEN in the documenta-Halle (Kassel). The exhibition brings together graduation works from the fields of fine arts, visual communication and product design. They cover a broad conceptual and creative spectrum, ranging from painting, sculpture and film to design works and multimedia installations. Mateo Chacón Pino is curating this year's exhibition. EXAMEN is sponsored by the cdw Foundation.

The visual design of the print and online media for the annual EXAMEN exhibition is conceived and realized by students of the Kunsthochschule Kassel.

(Text in German: Çiğdem Özdemir)

Information about EXAMEN 2023: